Category Archives: Shungite Info

Try New Creative Experiments with Shungite Paint!

Shungite never stops to amaze us with its versatility. We use it for everyday protection by carrying shungite stones and elite shungite nuggets around with us or by wearing shungite jewelry, we shield our households with larger shungite items, purify our drinking water with shungite water stones, block EMF from our gadgets with shungite phone […]

How Shungite Helps Your Digestion

As you may already know, shungite has countless areas of use, but its major influence is always on us, human beings. It helps us energetically, mentally, and, what is most important, physically. Shungite’s properties help us to be protected from negative influences in our environment, restore our body from stress and fatigue, tissue damage and […]

A Complete Guide to Shungite Properties

Shungite stone has so many unique properties and benefits that it is sometimes hard to grasp them. Shungite is used in many fields, such as water filtration, EMF protection, physical and spiritual healing, and even gardening. Here is our easy comprehensive guide to shungite properties. Shungite consists mainly of carbon, which has a unique spherical […]

Ways Shungite Water Will Improve Your Life

Shungite stone is a unique rock that can be found almost exclusively in the Republic of Karelia, the region in the north-west of Russia. It is well-known for its purification and protection properties due to its high carbon content. It is used every day by people all around the world for personal protection, healing or […]

The Official Capital of Shungite: Where Does It Come From?

Shungite is getting more and more popular with each passing day and tens of thousands of people enjoy its healing and protective properties all around the world. With this popularity comes the natural curiosity of where this magical stone actually comes from. As you may already know, healing shungite is found almost exclusively in the […]

Revitalize Your Spa Center with the Help of Magnificent Shungite

Shungite is a great means for personal crystals healing and protection, but what if it was much more than that. Let’s say you want to help people to discover the magnificent power of shungite healing as well as just provide them with healthy products, safe recovery from stress and injuries and rest relaxation from harsh […]

Many Shapes of Magnificent Shungite Stone

Shungite healing and protection provides us with a lot of opportunities which would not be accessible otherwise. However, the large array of shungite products presents us with something of a challenge: what shungite item should we choose for our crystal healing? Of course, they all are made from the same rock, but the shape of […]

Crystal Healing with Shungite Jewelry

Among the large array of shungite goods we offer you, shungite jewelry is always a bright spot (even though it is completely black). The exquisite handcrafted items serve not only as means for crystal healing and protection, but also as minimalist eye-candy and a perfect addition to any style and outfit. Deep black color of […]

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