Do you ever get a feeling that you can’t really find a product that suits you personally? Or you just like to create your own jewelry for your own personal style? Well, if you enjoy our shungite stones and products, but want to create something unique with shungite, we would like to present to you very simple way to deal with that.
We provide sets of shungite beads of different shapes and sizes for your personal shungite experience. What are the advantages of buying shungite crafting materials?
- You will be able to create bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. to you own personal taste.
- You can buy smaller sets just to try it out, or larger sets for long-term crafting experience.
- We offer a great variety of shungite beads sizes (for example 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 mm in diameter) , as well as shapes (round, oval, cubic, etc.)
- With this great variety you are able to create an infinite amount of combinations to create something truly unique.
- All the beads are polished and come with a small hole for the cord in the center.
Jewelry, made with shungite beads will shield you from EMF and other negative influences around you, as well as give you the sense of rest and rejuvenation. Moreover, shungite has a number of improving effects on your health, especially on skin-related problems, joint and muscle aches, cardiac problems and so much more. Not to mention that stylish black shungite jewelry is a great addition to your personal look, and the possibilities for different styles and outfits are really countless.
Remember, that your imagination is the only limit here. With the help of shungite beads and other crafting supplies, you can create anything your mind wishes. Feel free to browse our library of shungite beads and share your ideas for shungite jewelry with us. Buy shungite beads now and create your personal style with the mysterious power of shungite.